>>> An thinking about squeezing myhead betwee...
Be careful what you wish for.
Got to be more specific.
Cows 🐄 & sows 🐖 have tits too. 😂
I hope you ain't working at a farm.
>>> U just ruined my imagination in a some workds
That's the power and beauty of imagination... 😏
Remember in the original Ghostbusters, how one of them imagine up Stay Puff Marshmallow Man?😂
Whatever the 3 of them fear, the monster in their dreams will appear.
One of them had to re-imagine Stay Puff Marshmallow Man to be that big!
>>> People lie when they say that money doesn'...
It depends whether the money one talks of, is from exchanging time with work.
Oh cos, it feels good if one does have the time to spend the money on the things one likes.
>>> Happiness is temporary, and I think happin...
In a way, it is. If say, the money is used to buy something.
The happiness is temporary.
What's the other thing that lasts longer?
>>> Just woke up
Going to bed 😴 🛏️ here.
>>> 🤣, it very much could be, I was wondering...
I think it comes from having a sense of self-awareness.
Something that not all animals have.
>>> Your coffee is probably more solid than yo...
Half-boiled eggs are a delicacy paired with traditional coffee and toasted bread here in Singapore.
This is local Sgp coffeeshop breakfast coffee set before we had Starbucks. 😂
o.0deybunbun 🧸🔒 , you can actually mix a bit of (traditional) coffee with the half-boiled eggs.
It has a unique taste.