The other orange fish. Remember he was telling us about the tribe food?
Ash Wednesday, Let's repent from our sins. "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.."
Hey all. 42 yr old father of one boy. Located in San Antonio if any ladies would like to chat.
Im a turtle dose this mean anything?😂
Means you gotta watch your shell! *whispers* some people like to make turtle soup in here 🫣
Yess they want to eat us out😂
>>> Ash Wednesday, Let's repent from our sins....
Forgive me sister Zuri for Ai have sinned. 📿🙏
Some of the messages in here are strange lmao
Some of the ones further up. Especially the turtle lmao
Lmao yeah he went a little off track there
Listen idk what goes through that turtles mind okay 😂
Probably the same stuff that goes through most people’s minds on here
CURSE THESE FAT HANDS I just wanted to lurk
what’s your strangest kink
To take off your fish scale one by one