Any girl needs whale ? biatch
Asian people go sleep biatch
This room is so banjar biatch
Buncha loser feminists but when it comes to war yall hide behind men crying n flee the country biatch
Vero might benefit from one biatch
We already have one right lava? biatch
My sleep is lost somewhere biatch
Did you try cold water spray on the back of your neck ? biatch
What y’all goof for if not dying at a war? biatch
Pls protect me lava cus ur a man n im a scared female wahh biatch
Whale joined the chat biatch
Whale ruined the chat biatch
Make a killin and f the ops biatch
Whale fumed the chat biatch
Whale killed the chef biatch
Lava an ant would protect us better than you pls biatch
OwnersKingsGods of Antistress 📝💯
#1. Chef 🍳
P.S. If you’re not on the list just fuck off you’ll never be apart of it
Did chef block me 💀 biatch
Whale pruned the chat biatch
Les mer...