No no that’s the new 3rd person selfie cam
Love the look, sweetheart, 😉
It has! How’ve you been? Missed you
I’m doing well, how are you?
I’m doing well myself. A lil sore but good lol
I started taking taekwondo
Oh thats cool! How are you liking it?
I’m loving it! My master says I’m an excellent student and that I’m picking it up a lot quicker than most
😊 thank you! Today I told them I hope to one day be a leader with them. Obviously I have a long way to go but he said to me he can definitely see me as a leader 🙂
I’ll have to show you my getup lol
Should I send it here or privately?
You can dm me it if you want
How you two doin chi and bevava
Doing great, thanks for asking
What about you?
Doing well myself, as I was saying to hinata a lil sore from taekwondo but still good lol
Hi there! What’re you up to?
Pretty good, how are you?
Doin well, sore from taekwondo but good lol
Yea! Lol what’re you up to?
Just laying down, faffing