I’m still up for a bit more I think probably stupid of me but eh lol
She better not be a little shit pot tonight lol
i like having 3 days off a week
I need to schedule my 3 day weekends throughout the summer 👏
She was and I put the seat butt warmer on for her lol
She has to lay on my maroon sweater I keep here, and she drags out my slippers every morning from under my desk 🤣
Quiet today here. One engineer upstairs and me that’s it.
What do you need Wednesday
Go get exactly what you need
You deserve it. You are worth it.
You are a special and valued person
Got get it
Have a great day all.
Ty. No “stares” today. Going to be a good day. I can feel it. Go get em.
Had to block the little she devil into my work area, gettin ballsy and going around the whole office lol
Now she’s ripping apart the boxes I blocked her in with 🤣
Another hard day at the office
Pretty dog. Can’t box her in Beavs. 😂 😂
I can’t chase her all day either lol I had her outside for a bit since I ain’t eating lunch. She’s been sleeping for a bit now
That's awesome you brought your doggy to work
I’m working from home on Friday at least
Kids have off school so fig let the younger one have a 3 day weekend instead of being stuck at daycare all day