Lmao I remember When llama used to get banned in rooms 😂😂
as an app mod and she never knew who was doing it 🤣
I guess now they def know
Ohhh another app mod most likely 😂
Ohh wow I didn’t know room mods could ban the app mods 😂
😂 I wonder if that’s still possible
I never see any app mods lol
I thought I saw someone say a lot got removed. Idk how true bc lots of liars on anti
Ohh I wouldn’t know lol I mean maybe they’re dated with AI mods lol
Eh I think llama was the one that told the girl that I kept banning her from her own room😂
App mods are always a bit nuts though, kind of a power trip
What’s with the sign in stuff?
Anti apps for ios gonna be gone. So link yout login to mail not apple login
It’s been so long, I don’t even remember how I’ve logged into this 😂
😂 it’s just like riding a bike
Like wasn’t it by phone number for a while?
Yeah for the longest time lol
Meh yeah I’m not invested in karma, so if I have to login again I’ll just make a new account
lol people have different reasons they come up here