He was sorta one of those people you text in a blue moon but never have a full conversation type beat then I just blocked him one day and that was the last I ever heard of him
How many plants you have going?
That’s gotta be a decent amount of weight do you sell to dispos?
It’s higher reward tho?
Since it’s on black market it costs more because of the risk then selling to a dispo right?
Yeah man it’s cool you’re chasing your dreams, inspiring
I just downed a cinnamon roll so my munchies are satisfied
Dude I’ve smoked runtz it is fire
I’ve always wanted to work in the weed industry but I can’t yet
Woah they look like trees instead of bushes
That’s like the coolest thing ive ever seen
I like smoking grape runts
Dude my ex neighbors talked about making experimental rasin that was like collected by a cold bucket and water, I smoked it once and it’s pretty good I just don’t remember much of how it was made, I wished I remembered because like i remember being dumbfounded
I remember they used a big bucket
And that it was harvested from the water
I know they also harvested shrooms and I took some of theirs
It was, some nights i would hear them fighting and others they all were on the porch doing nitrous
Yeah I only smoke weed now, I only tried shrooms 4 times had a bad trip the 4th and stuck to only weed from then on