I haven't really been on anyways, I've got so much going on and tbh he really doesn't like me here anyway cuz there is opportunity for disrespect
I understand why, and I'm going to respect his wishes
He's my forever and I going to respect that
I feel like being here I'm doing something behind his back
But the opportunity for others to be disrespectful to our relationship is very real
He's just not comfortable with it, so I want to make him comfortable.
We can figure something out I'll talk with him too
I just don't want him to feel like he can't trust me
Ima tell him I hopped on to say bye and that we wanna make a little game group
Birdy you can tell Iris all the things to catch her up if you want
You can tell her all the things at this point lol I don't care anymore
I might have one somewhere lol
Okieee well I'll text you, I gotta call and cancel baby's boys appt for tomorrow cuz he's been running fevers now