She said if I stay, I cannot: go out with friends, can’t see my boyfriend, that my boyfriend is no longer allowed at the house, can’t use her car (even tho my name is also under it and I pay five hundred a month for it), she’s taking away ny laptop and iPad that I use for school, she said I have to start paying thirteen hundred for rent and that I need to buy my own car. Or she said I can move out. This was Saturday after she swung at me
Then today in the morning she said “I change my mind with what I want to do with you” lol
She decided that I’m gonna stay, and that she’s gonna force me to take the exam even tho I’m not ready and can ruin my chances 💀
4 people I spoke to said I need to leave so I’m packing my things now, and I’m gonna leave Wednesday without telling her. I’m afraid to do it but I think it’s what I have to do. The only thing I’m sad about is leaving my siblings bc I don’t want them thinking I’m leaving them. My sister will take this the hardest which breaks my heart
Yeah, my dad gave me a place to stay. He doesn’t live in the states but he has a house so I’m going there while other people rent there too.
My bf and I both agree it’s better to go w my dad for now cus my dad said he would help me while I get back on my feet and help me get a car. The rest I’ll do on my own
The only thing I’m so heartbroken about are my siblings. I’m so attached to them, I watched them grow up, I’ve done everything for them and I haven’t been able to stop crying bc of them. Told them yesterday that I’m leaving Wednesday. I’ve never seen them cry the way they did
Im so fcking sad right now
My bf said if I don’t enjoy living w my dad, I can still go with him, but by that time I’d have a car and money. I’m just thankful he is supporting me. But it’s true I don’t want to rely on him either. I was only considering my bf bc it was a way out
I won’t lie I feel sick to my stomach. Maybe bc I’ve been so sad. Also, usually I’m an eater. I eat a lot and I’ve hardly been eating these past few days. I know I always have stuff going on in my life but this is the hardest and saddest time for me right now
When you’re mother had the ability to discuss something with ALL morning, ALL day, but the moment she decides to take my siblings out to this place and never told me I had to go, decides to tell me last minute that I HAVE TO and that I MUST go bc she wants to discuss it with me there 🤡🤡🤡
Yeah she said I had to go with her so she can keep an eye on me bc she doesn’t trust me to be in the house now 💀
My mom just told me I need to be in bed and asleep by 9pm. I have been given a bed time at 23
Hey guys. I just want to say I finally moved out. I’m with my dad now and have been for 5 days. I have job interviews lined up next week. My dad’s also helping me look for a car as well as my boyfriend. My mom has sent some not very nice messages to me, which I have not responded to for a few days already. Not sure what to say. And the ones I shared the messages with (like what my mom said to me) all say she’s gaslighting me. What’s even crazier is that my grandma (my mom’s dad) said that me ...
(Idk why it got cut off but): What’s even crazier is that my grandma (my mom’s dad) said that me “moving out is the best decision I’ve ever made bc my mom was suffocating me.” When your own family supports you 🥲💕
Is it possible to get lower abdominal after intercourse? Have any of you guys ever examined?
I meant lower abdominal pain
Did the freaky w my bf yesterday like 2 times and I started getting some cramping in my lower abdomen. Maybe he bruised my cervix lmao
Also, I have a car now guys! Still job hunting tho