Strict rules not use to be like that
I was wondering why Rebel got moved away from being a mod is it because he hasn't been on here for long
I thought he was on holiday
Oh he was annoying on the app but funny annoying which I liked ๐
He always on here and he knows Wittyyy apparently
Why what happened and what did she do?
Is Wittyyy still in jail?
Oh I see and no problem. She seems to like being in Anti jail๐
Ooo that's good anywhere special you going to?
Next month I got an zoom meeting, Routine check up with the doctor and a hospital appointment that should be fun ๐
Also I can't wait my friend got tickets for comic con on the 8th of March that excitingcan't wait to go to it and it in Glasgow at the Secc
I need to wait for a letter for date and time and the place I know how to get to the doctor told me on the phone it will be local. I will get my mum or dad to go with me as I don't do so well with appointments I get nervous and anxious. I am ok with zoom meetings. The letter am waiting for is for the special podiatry for my ankles ๐