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My life has not been easy by any means but I have never turned to drugs or alcohol.

My life has not been easy by any means but I have never turned to drugs or alcohol.
I’m happy for you. That’s incredible.
Maybe you shouldn’t speak to me when intoxicated.
Don’t speak to you, got it.
Read what I said one more time, sweetie.
Don’t talk to you, got it.
So drunk you can’t read comprehensively?
No. I have comprehended that you’ve been very rude to me tonight, which tells me that you either don’t want me to talk to you or you’re upset about something.
You were rude to me. So I said maybe you shouldn’t speak to me while intoxicated. That is all.
Agree to disagree.
We can talk about it when you’re sober.
Or, just hear me out, block him and never talk about it again 🤭
Jim speaking some truth.