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Who saw Kanye west wife at Grammy? Her outfit is crazy🤪

Who saw Kanye west wife at Grammy? Her outfit is crazy🤪
Did not watch. I have dogs.
I don’t see it but I read about it
I saw that lol. Like basically nood lol
How is that even allowed at an award show
I’m still in shock
Me too. Can’t stop looking 👀
Need to see every detail
I like seeing all the details
Very accurate Tx
Very lol 👀
Have to get that dress for Radiant G 😋
I will wear that for you🤭🫦
Oooof!!!! Now ain’t that a sight to behold 😋😋😋
Cyder busy with his foreplay?
And watch Beyoncé ? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮