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Laman Utama/Threads/

I think it’s absolutely hilarious that rasp wants to put me underneath the lowest pedestal.

I think it’s absolutely hilarious that rasp wants to put me underneath the lowest pedestal.
I can’t put you lower than you put yourself, I’m just an observer
You’re truly just a 💩 person rasp.
Yet, you comment. Constantly.
You comment? How is it that you’re the only one who gets to?
You know I’ll always pay attention to you bebe 😘
Not sure why since I’m ostensibly the person who destroys your time here 😂💀
Right? Such a bloody time waster.
Mary I think you either want to be me or you want to be friends secretly with me but at the same time you want to hate me
I want you to be a better person and I will spend my whole life trying to make this happen.
A better person like you?
You’re pure trash Mary. Sorry people mislead you with their ignorance that you’re anything good, but really you’re devoid of any sanity
You’re out of touch with who you think I am and what you think should be a concern to me