Who can teach me how to give blowjobs? biatch
>>> Bro reads my every message like im his jes...
I couldn't care if you died biatch
you're talking to me so I'm simply responding biatch
Its okay bro i love u too biatch
He Fall down stairs biatch
what are you a fucking retard
Ur my disciple okay 🥹? biatch
Leara is in love with me honestly biatch
And crap in his pants biatch
probably am inbred Donkey who fucks hippos
who's fighting who who who biatch
Dang thats a vivid imagination biatch
Leara is in love with me honestly biatch
Don'tCallMeDaddy then what should i call you biatch
>>> Ur my disciple okay 🥹? biatch
go get some therapy boi
I can see the hate in ur eyes and will turn u too good just keep following me 🙏 biatch
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