>>> If only I was tired and could fall asleep,...
I'm having rice 😃
>>> Im good just sleepy at work wbu sis ?
Alhamdulihah I'm okay it's raining here
>>> Being American I don’t get the whole rice ...
Haha rice is life more than pizza
>>> U really not active here again 😃🤌
You mean me ?
>>> Alhamdulillah, good weather to sleep 😆
My son will never allow me to sleep
I eat pizza once per month 😃
These days I'm liking hot dogs 🌭 so I make sure to have one every weekend
>>> Yes
I'm not active in any room sometimes my son watches cartoons on my phone he can't let me have my phone
>>> Not a fan of hotdogs
You are too much I wonder wht u eat
>>> Pizza, pizza, pizza, Mac and cheese, oh an...
Not good 😃😃
>>> On the bright side, I’m thin sooo idk I mu...
Thts the problem 😃😃
People here if you greet them thy ignore you but just ask for gifts I don't know
>>> Oh I should be fat? 😂😂
Not fat not thin average
>>> I don't like this,🤣🤣
You don't like wht sis
But being thin is worse and those type of people don't eat at all thy can have 2 spoons of porridge and stay full for the whole week
>>> I’m good. You?
I'm ok