That's the beauty of the us, u can believe what ever you want... I'm sure ppl think what ever you believe is also crazy, 🤷🏻
Lmao flat earthers believe in sci to.. I 5hink there pritty nutts myself😋😝
lol I'm a dr, I most def believe in sci btw, point is tho ripping on other ppl for what they believe is just short sighted, ultimately , no one knows🤷🏻
Doom is always coming.. none of us make it out alive
That's the best way to live! Live it up now cause tomorrow isn't a promise ... saw a guy die on vacation from a coconut falling on his head .
Seriously tho why live like a zombie, open your mind and explore little, who knows you might learn a new perspective
Why are you being defensive.. no one knows how to have a convocation anymore .. chill ..
Ok, lol I just don't understand why come and attack ppl and then get all butt hurt when someone calls your ass out about it 🤷🏻
Lmao geuss he blocked me😂😂😂
lol that was my point. Wasn't being an ass to him till the last message
Got called out and runs away🤷🏻
That was said about 2012 too,
Anddd we are allll sstill here
Anyone play kingdom hearts ?
There totally is! I can name 5 things off the top of my head to make quick money in ny. 😂😂 if your lazy and don't want to work and look for work then that's on you
Lmao yea that's not going to work