go on the swing I’ll go with ya
I love scary things that give me an adrenaline rush
I wouldn’t even be mad if she used it like a microphone
Mmmm sounds right up my alley
What did you guys have for dinner
I’ve put on too much weight hahaha that sounds like heaven though honestly
You know the way to my heart Phoenix
I basically had that last night
I put aheap of shoes up for sale
Some guy is offering me a pair of amiri jeans, Nike tech fleece shorts, another pair of Jordan’s and some cologne just for one pair hahahah
I’m trying to get rid of stuff not add more hahah I put them up for cheap and he’s offering me way more than they’re worth I don’t know why he won’t just pay the money hahah I literally put them up for $100
I have so much stuff and no storage haha I need to cull so much
I donated so much but the stuff I’m left with now is too nice to donate which is annoying
But the process of selling stuff is almost worse haha
I’ll probably end up just giving it away haha