Sadly, as in many cases, it's not that black and white. A person you resent doesn't just turn into someone you love overnight. Lust isn't something solved by prayer alone, which is why it's such a complicated issue. And it's okay to feel proud of the things you've achieved—sometimes your worst critic isyourself, and that self can be the strictest. Being proud doesn't mean you can't also be humble; it's not one or the other, but both in balance.
Love and understanding are great, but they only
work until they don't. For example, trying to speak with love and understanding to a metaphorical 'brick wall' of a person won't move that wall. Honestly, I wish it were as easy as waking up one day and saying, 'Hey, I'll be a better person now,' and then suddenly becoming that person. But that's just not how the world works, as much as I wish it was.
i see what your saying but its too black and white and near binary for my liking when the world is actually shades of gray