>>> Hahaha
Are you talking about your dildo?
>>> U missin our gurl
😂😂 U said ur pp and your a female so I assumed it was a dildo😂🤷🏻
>>> Imma go to sleep now 😮💨
Bulan I'm sorry use a heating pad
Use to give that to my ex wife😂
And sleepy it's a remedy I used to use for my ex wife's cramps
May I be blessed with y'all's presence later?
>>> Good night bulan 👅 swet dreams
Sleepy good night get sum rest bulan I hope you feel better gorgeous
Sleepy your gorgeous but bulan your sexier and hotter than hells fire
Sleepy I'm confused whatchu tryna say about Google 😂
>>> Hard to forget your drops
>>> Are you all from the USA?
Yes I'm from the US
>>> Damn it’s hard to write with your left hand
Whatchu doing with your right hand👀😂