Just what we all need a nice drink!
Hello, Bucky! Welcome! Thank you for joining!
Anti uses a filter for all chat rooms unless it is private and the room owner turns it off.
It kind of looks like a penguin
Okay. I'll take the chocolate shake and you have the alcohol lol
MARA usually does have nice sunny weather.
It was! Thank you! How are you?
No smores, but I'll probably start cooking in about an hour.
Sure thing, MARA! Might want to bring a dessert though. I didn't get anything.
I'm sure anything you bring would be fine.
Sounds good! The Jambalaya is on the stove. It took some time to peel the potatoes. 🤗💕🤗
Dinner is ready. I warmed garlic bread with it instead of biscuits because it was already taking awhile, and I didn't want everything to get cold. I'll make the biscuits and some more carrots tomorrow.
All right, I'm going to lay down now. I don't feel too good. I think I got overheated in the kitchen.