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Lewis looks like orangutan with down syndrome

Lewis looks like orangutan with down syndrome
Not funny
Did i ask for ur opinion u fcking moron
I'm prettier than you You ape
I'm prettier than you You ape
U literally look like james charles
Lina idk what u look like but ur Russian so probs mid
Leave her alone tf
it’s a joke chill💀💀💀
Then it was a mean joke brotha
you like ladyboys huh
Glad to be mid instead of a transformer
I dont even look like a man. Dvmbass I'm always gonna be prettier than u Stay pressed And jealous Ur always ugly
you ugly as hell, nobody thinks ur attractive at all. you write peoples name on your ladyboy chest for thaiwanese dollars.
Awwww How did yk that? U stalked my socials U weirdo stalker And many people called me cute Ur mad ugly
Thaiwanese? Im not even taiwanese Also It should be Taiwanese Moron
ion gaf. lady boy
Stfu u dvmb fck Ur ugly
Just shut up both of you
man just take your L and go already 😭😭
Thanks queen
Thanks queen
go somewhere else for the attention you so desperately need, you aren’t getting what you want here. take your L and move on LMAO
real. i go ape mode on ya momma