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Lemme be happy man

Lemme be happy man
Your a happy Stan
Is it really happiness if u lie to urself?
Ffs I can’t believe he still thinks I’m a man cuz I won’t drop a pick of myself…don’t even bother baby boy
I never said drop a pick
Than what you want?
U to stop leading people on nothing wrong with being gay
Umm thanks for that input 😘
Glad I made u feel more comfortable in ur mind and ur own skin
You don’t believe the fact that a woman can be on here
No I do it’s just women like u don’t exist like prosts don’t act like this when they ain’t working 💀💀💀 if it’s too good to be true probs is that’s a message to u chicken
No one reading all that
30 words adhd people I can’t brainrot
Thats also true ngl
Ay u can admit when ur wrong bro that’s better than literally 99% of people on here
Hold on please elaborate I wanna hear more
Dude is putting words in my mouth and Ngl if u talking this crazy time a prost then u would drop a pic Ngl