Lejupielādēt lietotni
Sūti un saņem anonīmus ziņojumus

Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Lejupielādēt lietotni
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We’re nothing if not predictable

We’re nothing if not predictable
Oh lol
Always late to the party
Look, i have big fingers! Texting is hard
My fingers are frozen and I can handle it so step it up, Italian stallion
But i use only one hand
You think I’m using two hands like a secretary without a boss?
Because a secretary with a boss use.. mouth too?
Ummm she does her work 😂