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  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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i hope u fall down the stairs backwards full speed

i hope u fall down the stairs backwards full speed
i hope u step on a lego n when u sleep tn ur pillow is HOT
i hope ur charger doesnt work at all whatsoever & your fridge unplugs itself in the middle of the night after you jus did the shopping
i hope when u get up to go get water u slip n fall n break ur knee, i hope when u sleep n nice n cozy u have to pee n get up so it ruins ur sleep
i hope you cant find ur keys and ur late for work every morning & you finish writing an entire email explaining what happened & your laptop crashes & you gotta restart
do u think u ate
you clearly did. phat ho
ur comebacks r boring me
ur boring in general
ur not funny at all i hate you
ur a walking L. i hate u more
u been an L i hate u most fr
you was born an L. came out L pounds & L ounce. i hate u way more. to infinity and beyond thas how much
i hate u fr
fk u. ur fat n you reek like ass
ur ugly n u r white af u look like edward cullen u mf smelly freak
ur chins wobble when you walk up stairs. lizzo ass bch
i bet u vigorously typing rn on a keyboard in a basement u freak
i bet you vigorously write out reviews online. karen ass bch
i bet u wear polo shirts n wtv cos ur a brad mf
i bet you wear etika boxers in public you ratchet ho
i bet u drive n old beat up truck n stink like cigs n r bald
i bet you drive an old taurus & you stink like ass & you have a moustache growing on your top lip
ur boring fr