Lejupielādēt lietotni
Sūti un saņem anonīmus ziņojumus

Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Lejupielādēt lietotni
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Don't you worry don't you worry now yeaaaaaah

Don't you worry don't you worry now yeaaaaaah
Love the spirit you bring to the chat
Sorry i'm just high off of the goon energy 😼
Gimme some goon energy sir
I can't give it, you gotta sense it
Got it
Do you? You see nessa goon energy is all around us, we humans are made of goon energy
It’s in me I just have to cast it out and feel it
Not only emit it but also sense the goon energy of others and then take a deep breath