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Issie go have a cold shower aha

Issie go have a cold shower aha
No lol
No lol
Why not
I got problems to be dealing with to be having showers lol
Awww anything I can do to help
Could do with a back massage😂
Take your shirt off then
Misty im scared
Don’t look at me lol 😂 you handle her
Shes trying tocget the nips😂
Lay on your back
I need my back massaging tho ah
I do the full treatment
Just my back please
That will be 50 pounds
*sends an iou*
I’ll remind you
Thanks lol
She gonna massage something else 🌚
My chocolate starfish?
If you say please
Don’t be I’ll hold your hand
That’s not what you said earlier 😏
It got a bit more complicated…
Oh do tell lol
I will when im told myself , a waiting game for me
How long is the wait
How longs a piece of string?
So you got bad personal hygiene gotcha
1 brain is better then none