Lejupielādēt lietotni
Sūti un saņem anonīmus ziņojumus

Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Lejupielādēt lietotni
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I use to create boards and for boob pics back then when they didn’t want to use karma

I use to create boards and for boob pics back then when they didn’t want to use karma
Wild boards 😬 Never joined any of that lol
This is so anti coded 😆
I’m a saint now. No more jail time for me
Take it to the bank
There too
There too
lol good luck