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  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Cook for yourself, you don’t need a woman for that

Cook for yourself, you don’t need a woman for that
Like how they surviving ?
thanks bats
Man aren’t u just a btch
U can’t cook ? A basic survival skill ?
That’s not the point
No I’m a man who can take care of myself. Stop being a weenie
Man aren’t u just a btch
You reply like a bot
Bro u mad no female ever cook for u? Lmao
Sound like u the one in need of others idk
Get off my coc
Stop being a btch
Tf did I do
I’ve had ex’s cook for me. It just wasn’t as good as my own food
This so real
My ex’s didn’t have as much variety with recipes as I did