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red light district and weed

red light district and weed
😭😭😭 good ole times
😂😂 more off the vibes and weed lol
For reals! You have your Pepsi yet?
This again🙄 *Divorce
We didn’t sign a pre nup. I’m taking half off everything
Take half the pepsi then. Ill pour it ina cup for ya
Nooooo! I want the can! Always taste better out off one
I get the can, soz hun😘
Urgh. Rude. This is why….always selfish 😭
Selfish!? after all those nights i spent down there😤
Okay we can stop 😭 this is past my comfort zone 😂
Okay lol (I win😎)
Ah fair enough. I’ll allow
Halal you very much