Lejupielādēt lietotni
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Lejupielādē lietotni, lai sūtītu un saņemtu anonīmus 💌 ziņojumus

  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Lejupielādēt lietotni
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Someone kill me

Someone kill me
After I die leave
I can’t wait that long
What makes you think it’d be long
You seem pretty lively 😂
The saddest souls carry the brightest smiles sometimes
I’m sorry you’re sad, but you’re nice, there are surely good things in store
I am not sad. It’s just that the clock is ticking for everyone. And trying to interpret who’s closer to the end serves no one.
We love you, Leave.