It keeps freezing up on me
Oh turn off and off phone usually works for me
Easy fix
Turn off
Count to 30
Turn on
We are all F-King bosses up in here
I wish it wasn’t. I’m whooped.
Lol I gotta go to work soon
I just got home. Now I’m getting stoned.
Stoning people is bad lol
I thought we passing the 🚬 around
I stopped doing that in college
I wouldn’t stone anyone. That’s very violent
It’s the Norm these days.. people smoking weed likes it part of daily life
I haven’t had joint since starting my job
Never wanted to fail a drug test 🤣
It was an adjustment to become normal again
I don’t wanna be normal ever again, for the rest of my life. I’m the LEAST thrilling person I know. Being stoned at least gives me some personality 😂
Awww lil I have known you for a while you are in to chat with
Just texting n chatting hbu
>>> Just texting n chatting me to want to. Chat
Having a snack and chatting