In an hour? Bit late for you,Musu?
>>> 4:30am is dinner time
>>> Spicy snails
El señor reprenda 🤪😝🤪
Getting back to my Pentecostal roots 😂🤣
Im not a snail fan either😫
>>> Not a big snail fan lol
I am 🤣
>>> El señor reprenda 🤪😝🤪
Menos mal que soy atea 🤣
>>> El señor reprenda 🤪😝🤪
Menos mal que soy atea 🤣
Por éso fue que yo lo dije. Yo sé muy bien que eres atea y.......
Que tú estás muy orgullosa de éso 🤪
😒 rebboo issa non believer
>>> Whichever you like
Don Quixote de la Mancha, read the Vikings publisher translation
MLB are you a Vikings fan 🤣
No.... only as to the best translation of that novel. As much as Spanish as I know, I am it would take me twice time to read Don Quixote in the original, to be careful .. Rebel may be around 🤣
I read it completely in English, the Vikings translation, which does leave out some of the book, not sure how much but that I remember
Can some please sign Pete Alonzo??
I still want the Yankees to sign him, but they are already crying poverty. I doubt they will especially since they signed Paul Schmidt
Good morning, beautiful people