Pahalanya gede buw kalo menyedekahkan semua hartanya
Keknya km deh buw yg harus sedekah
Mick baik banget diminta gift juga tetap dikasih masa ga diambil sih buw 👉🏼👈🏼
>>> Masa malak aku-
At this time???
Sherel wants to seize all my property ,luar😌
Even though he himself was rich
If you have many, you can share Fa
Even karma she is more than me
he makes me miss him so much 😔
Sherel is busy asking for gift
Strong statements from Sherdy
>>> And you're partying?
No, I just had my sahur
I just remind fany to share gift
That photo is dark, like your thoughts
enlighten my dark heart with a gift ☺️
Good morninggood evening everyone 🤗☕