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🌌Stargate🌌⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Hey Joshy 👍🏻
Millz and Adam 🤗🤗🤗
How are you 🤗🤗🤗
I'm alive yaaaas
That’s good to hear 🙂
Awww yeah got to that
Hi. New here
Wahah hello bestie 🤗🤗🤗
Oh my
Who this bestiee
>>> Hi. New here Welcome to this awesome peaceful place
>>> Awww yeah got to that Lol oh I know gotta cook dinner super soon too
Hello 👋🏻😊
Welcome to the group
>>> Welcome to this awesome peaceful place Thanks
>>> Welcome to the group Thanks🥰🫶
You're very welcome
What's everyone up to?
I wanna hide from everyone but they all recognise me😭😭😭😭
>>> What's everyone up to? Laundry, dinner, cleaning
Oh okay, I'm sorry to hear that
>>> Laundry, dinner, cleaning Busy lady
>>> I wanna hide from everyone but they all re... You'll probably be safe in here, this is a nice room, I think I'm the only one who I can remember everyone arguing with 🤣🤣
>>> You'll probably be safe in here, this is a... I have been here before too
The founder invited me a very long time ago
Okay cool 😊👍🏻
Where is she?
I'm not sure, she does pop in often enough
Haven't seen her in my gc for a long time
Ah okay, thinking about it, I haven't seen her much for a little while, I'll message her and see how she is
>>> Busy lady Sometimes yes lol
I seen her a few weeks ago
Hope cyber is doing well though
>>> Sometimes yes lol 💪🏻😊
>>> Hope cyber is doing well though Same 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Wahaha bestie good true and hello Adam 🤗🤗🤗
Hey mate 😊👍🏻, how are you doing?
Adam is awesome
You're too kind
Yes Adam is very kind always