>>> 1k in this economy ain’t enough
Thats why i want to die 😅
I kno ppl who do that shii for $500 no cap
Actually it's the censor dumb fuw. I know how to do oil
Big tiddies but fat so cancels out
😂😂 rem come do my oil then 🌝😂
>>> I kno ppl who do that shii for $500 no cap
Must be from the hood
This time next year I’m going back to Toyota
I live in a high cost area unlike the slums
Go anywhere in south Dallas or oak Cliff you might get touched for free
Dude will take you out for a $20
>>> Where?
I'll book his ticket to come here and ki ll me
Wanna see my BWC just dm me
Send booty p ic if you care
I need a girl who is a nerd but isn’t a lesbian
One of them nights i went to hard
I like my women extremely skinny with huge bitties
Am i ugly.. or its just what i think
What’s ur bench press dog
Omg that fart was never ending
>>> I need help
No1 cares until u r beautiful, rich, famous or dead
>>> No1 cares until u r beautiful, rich, famo...
Only ugly ppl believe in pretty privilege
I bench press like 650 onna good day
The only reason it exists cause ugly mfs be putting each other down
Pretty privilege isn’t real
Quit lying to these ppl Ale
Lasīt vairāk...