I'm watching a bunch of blood and stuff
Right she ain’t fat she’s obese
Someone said she was obese
I think she blocked me cus she was fat
She blocks anybody talking fat gal funnel jokes
Yeah she didn’t like my fat jokes
Btch can dish it but can’t take it
She eats two or three dishes tho
Fat bishes never laugh at anything they always too busy lusting over fish sticks o a Big Mac
Oh you're watching on your phone
Just mirror your phone on the TV
Fish sticks sound good nil
Fish fat people seem to be the entirety of your personality you need help
Ngl it made me hungry @ fish sticks
Neve please silence yourself
Until you bang someone
Virgin men at 30 are losers
Think you have some insecurity issues
This person likes anal leakage 👇
I stroked out to be that person