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Fat girls dont need love
I dunno
When I get old I’m getting a reduction
I need to do something after work
Fat MEN dont need love
My titties gone be to my stomach
I need to salvage my weekend
>>> When I get old I’m getting a reduction I heard most chicks regret that
Bye boba
The back pains are always crazy
i wanna move to texas
Rn they don’t sag but when I get old they will
That’s why I keep trying to get Neve to go bang a fat bush
Death by tiddy suffocation
Saggy tits
I won’t regret it as a grandma
That’s the way I wanna go out
Death by snu snu
30 year old. Virgin is a huge red flag am I right ladies
Average white guys
Don’t worry i am 24 and still a virgin
Ima 30 Yr old virgin
But your not a dude
Hi everyone
I get no 🐱
I sent it Chil
Thats more for me then
Thats evident
I wouldn't know if it's a red flag. I am also a 30 yo virgie
How is everyone doing today
Nobody gonna judge Neve IF HE bangs a 350lb buffet gal from Golden Corral
Hey Chil r u trans
U sound like a dude
I was trolling in love some
Oh lawd
I'm new here
And they where responding to me saying I’m a chick with a dk
“Trolling” aka being a thot