It won’t change my day that much tbh
I’ll compliment them out of politeness though
It’s okay I already saw it
>>> My dads in prison
at least he’s alive
>>> Show fat pussy lips
Sorry Gwap he's in prison
>>> he was threatening to show my body to anti...
Machine ain’t got no right to show body’s when he’s built like mashed potato
I might need to borrow your rifle gwap
Bratty is the kinda girl to lowkey have a white dad that cares about her
I have some gypsys that need to he taken out
bro thinks he has a pic of my tits but it’s some random black girl
White men rarely date black women
Bro I almost got a black ting pregnant recently
I think she’s gonna get an abortion lol
>>> Bro I almost got a black ting pregnant rec...
ur crazy
That’s crazy bro every time I come here
Bratty did ur dad leave for milk
wym almost she already is
It probably was someone else’s baby anyways
Lonely married man from scotland looking for a female for online relationship
People lying for attention
I’ll leave for milk too if I have to
>>> Bratty did ur dad leave for milk
no they’ve been married for over 20 years
You are not father Magical Donkey
That’s what I’m saying doggy
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