Alguien caliente nose jaja
Hola alguna chica para hablar ???
Alguien sabe komk entrar en chat granada
Por qué os ponéis el karma tan alto para que no os hablen jaja
Que no me deja mandarte privado
Me escribes tú por privado?
Tampoco me deja creo jajajajaja
A ver prueba a escribirme ahora
Dale en ajustes privacidad y seguridad y en aceptar todas las solicitudes actívalo
You have been banned in this chat room. Your time left to rehabilitate: 5 hour(s) 4 minute(s) 17 second(s) .
This chat room was created by one of AntiLand users. The founders of chat rooms must protect order by following the AntiLand User Agreement, but may also ban in their chat rooms for their own additional reasons. If you have not violated the General User Agreement, but you are still not welcome in this chat room, we recommend you creating your own group chat and building your own rules. Read more: https:www.antiland.comenuseragreement
AntiLand stores all the reported and banned messages for legal purposes. Never offend our users and never break the User Agreement. We will do our best to protect our community. <#
El karma es muy importante
Yo cada vez tengo menos karma joder
Alguna española para chat?
Lasīt vairāk...