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TThe Smoke Spot.

Yeah , Im abit «out there» right now. But its fun 😂😂
I’m no actually making a curry, I bought cooking sauce jalfrzi, I’ll add chicken to and boiled rice with garlic and coriander nann bread
Happy days man 😂😂
I down loaded soccer manager 2025 last night so I’ll have a shot at that later
Roll on weekend for a booze 😂
just have to fry mincemeat, put in the bag of Toro stew , and 20 min later , dinner
I Get booze between xmas
I got sick of Mince meat I had it quite a few times last week
Homemade liqer
I’m going shopping on Friday for a hat and gloves
60% put in blueberries 6month ago
Nice man just like wine
At chrismastime it is ready
Is that a home made booze
Like a moon shine 😂
We call it
Its storebought vodka mixed in blueberries
The most fun is eating the blueberries after its done 😂😂😂
I’d be on my arse if I drank that, me and vodka don’t go 😂
I love blueberries I could eat plenty of them
You would become so drunk 😂😂😂
You should try it this year, at fall, pick lots of good fruit, plums or berries
Put a bottle of vodka and the berries in a glass, let it stay for 3-4 month
At xmas you got the best drink there is
And some funny berries to eat 😂😂😂
Sounds interesting man but I’ll stick to my lager 😂😂
I’ll no be drinking at Xmas, I’ll make the dinner and get a smoke but I might go out for new year
I just gave a friend the vodka
Can't remember last time i had curry
Will Get the stuff back at xmas
Fk this house is driving me crazy second time the main fuse went
The heating in the floors in the living room is the sinner i think
Yeah it's a combination of some a little unorthodox lights and the heating
But the whole electric here needs a remodeling
You rent ?
You would not think such thoughts , unless you rent the place
As owner you would know how much that cost, and Get all such thought out of your head 😂😂😂
I know
Fk it went again
Economical is such an cost be an suicide 😂😂
Yeah hmm the fuse must have not been connected right got it back
But it feels like it's electricity in the whole cabinet
Can't be good
Hopefully the place don't burn down and i keep the light's on until January
Scheit, i forgot to make dinner
Joint o clock