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  1. Pieskaries “Kopīgot”
  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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Hobiji un intereses/

OOutskirts 🪩🌲

I miss the good old days of this gc
Me too
Howdy friends
Isssaaa uuu
I exist still. 🙂 how are ya love?
Alive. Existing.
How about you jezasaurus?
I'm doing well. Working a lot.
I bought a bike
As did i lol
Its awesome
Haha different kind of bike!
Yes! Lol
Nice bike Jezz
Thank you.
I rode to work today. It was cold.
These boots are too big for me but they are the smallest size they had because my unit only ordered men's boots.
Get a pair of salomons pro x
I don't want to pay for new boots though.
Ope gtg
Or nikes
Lovy to see you
I'm un summoned
I had to work
For a brief moment, it was a bit like old times again 🤣
Yeah it was
I miss it