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ttruth and dare

Hey.. lets play girls
I am down for some T or D
Hey there
Hello Anyone up for a game
Dm me to play
DM for play 😁
Dm me
Dm me to play
I am down for some T or D
Hey, I’m down too
Let’s play?
T or D
When is the last time you came
By myself or with someone else?
By myself, two weeks. With someone else, a year.
It’s been a year since you have had any
Yeah, a year.
I chose T
Same question for you
Yesterday with someone 2 days ago by myself
Damn! Congratulations!
T or D
Dare you to play with it
Play with what?
Hahahaha sounds fun.
Anyone wanna play?
I have a question and looking for an answer
I’m down
What’s up?
Play ?
You want to?
Hey all
I am down for some T or D
Hey 👋🏻 anyone want to play?
Let's play
ok lol tord?
I am down for some T or D
I’m down for truths or truths