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Dead gc
It’s usually in the refrigerated displays near the deli and where they have the potato salads, etc
Hi guys
I have an idea for a no limits roleplay. Male and female are welcome. Please have no limits that is non negotiable. Dm me for roles!!
Je vous invite dans une salle de discussion 'have so much fun 😍🙈': https:chat.antiland.comt0KN3cXDYX🙏
I need some new exciting and interesting rp scene role ideas
Hello! I’m looking for anyone interested in Highly Detailed Game of Thrones rp. Knowledge of show or book is required, either is fine. Can be erotic or clean but will be story based. Make sure you include the word GoT in your message to me so I know what you want.
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Bodyguard Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Fantacy rp Holiday Magic school
Anyone up for fun
Good evening!
Is it dead here?
As a dodo 🦤
Hi any bored girl
Bananas are technically berries, but strawberries aren’t! In botanical terms, a berry is a fruit that develops from a single ovary and has seeds embedded inside. Bananas fit this definition, while strawberries do not because their seeds are on the outside. 🍌🍓
From the early 1900s until about 1945, milk 🥛was commonly used to make many different plastic ornaments. They made buttons, decorative buckles, beads and other jewelry, fountain pens, the backings for hand-held mirrors, and fancy comb and brush sets. Milk plastic is usually called casein plastic, was even used to make jewelry for Queen Mary of England.
Enjoy ☺️
See you later or tomorrow 😂
Can someone help me reach 25k?
Ooh. Just got finished watching my show
But your smile is all I need
Anyone up for fun
I am
Way to a woman’s heart?
Next time
RP ideas 🥰 - park ranger lost on hike -dr*nk & lost at a concert - first time trying w*ed - - bad taxi innocent passenger - tricked by older brothers friends - dr*gged by friends dad - innocent and used hitchhiker ( love cnc , to be tricked , groped, sneakily dr*gged, light bdsm etc )🥰🥰
Tired of low effort role players? Then you found the right person (:. Don’t PM me with ‘RP’ or ‘Hey’. I wont respond to that. - —> Please be detailed, long messages are required. —> tell me when you have to go, don’t randomly leave! —> don’t rush (to sex), build up the roleplay & be romantic! —> use correct grammar, things like ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ pisses me off! - Hit me up in PM’s I am sure we can work out lovely roles!🥰 (FEMALES!!)