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See, I don’t understand why nobody wants me, just look at that mug.
Especially with dat mug…
when you’re poor but still tryin holla 🤣
It’s my anniversary. 🥰
Happy Anniversary OM!
Congrats 👏🏻
Happy Anniversary Ohio Mom!!💞
cool mom, hope you both enjoyed
>>>📷 Ho Lee Fook
So deep.
OhioMom >> 🎁🌹 >> Whodunit (+₭500)< [rose][39][37]
Happy birthday Who!
Thank you so much!
Happy birthday man 🍰
Thanks NB
Welcome sir
Are you guys enjoying the warmer weather?
Absolutely 💯
Took a long walk.
What are you up to now, Who? Is that soil?
Growing cacti from seed 😄 Those particular ones are itty bitty saguaro seedlings.
I thought this was a pretty cool license plate.
🎊Happy Birthday Who!!🎉🧁🎁
Thank you!
Why does he insist on playing with his food first?
It’s a hat!
And yet he doesn’t like his little lumberjack hat