Just Alice🩶 & peach sorry I missed ya. I get distracted lol. Hugs to you both 🤗🤗🤗
RagnarGartnar hiya same to sorry missed ya. Hugs 🤗🤗
Hiya I'm good nice to meet you
Gonna go do a few things be back later
Almost dinner time for me too. Mac and cheese sounds so good rn
I'm starting to get hungry. Whatcha having nood?
I might go to the local Cajun place and have some gator nuggets
No place else in town is open lol
I never had gator nuggets, gator @ALL
It's pretty good actually, I think so at least
I have not heard of gator in my area though never looked either
I discovered it by chance, a friend told me about it and let me try some of what he ordered
Oh ok. Idk 🤷♀️ if I would try it lol
I'm I Kansas, but the owner has family in the South that catches and sends in what he needs for his menu
Lol, it's not for everyone, I know
Right that's true I was js. Lol I researched there's a cajun restaurant about 1 hr from me that has all cajun foods , says gator meat
Cool. There was another one about 20 minutes from me that was good. But I don't remember It's still in business or not
Oh. Is that your favorite cajun?
I do like the local one, but it's the only one available without having to drive 20-60 miles to get to a different place
Yeah makes sense. I have never been out that way.
I know nothing about Kansas, The states there
Yeah. My part of the region is mostly farming and small towns. The biggest major city closest to me is Kansas City
Oh ok. I'm in midwest but away from Kansas a bit
Yo if I drop a pic can yall rate me
I'm gonna make dinner, etc nice chatting tyvm , 😊 🤗
Clean pics only & we don't rate
No pics of other people either
Is that you? Can you do a live Pic of ✌️
It's the rules here I follow & mod for founder
>>> I'm gonna make dinner, etc nice chatting ...
You're welcome and same. I'm waiting for my dinner to arrive now 😋