Nice nice bro just had my dinner 🙌🏻😎😎
I’m okay thanks what you upto
Not much trying to figure out how to rig up my house so I can fix it for cheap
Ohhh okay something happened to it???
Ah yeah the floor is caving in slowly but it's alright
Ahhh dang that’s not good
Should be a easy fix but maybe expensive depending on what you use
Yeah fr. That's the hard part it definitely will be pricey
Yeah with the cost of things these days for sure
Yeah fr things are expensive
Crazy expensive here for stuff also
Have you been to Aus before??
No I haven't traveled abroad to much
Ohh okay me either I’ve never left Australia
Yeah I feel not a lot of people do travel abroad much
I would like to eventually
I’ve got a few gaming buddy’s I want to meet up with one day, ones in Sweden and other from Macedonia
Yeah I have some friends I'd love to meet up with eventually
Hopefully you'll get to meet them