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🫎🫎 Moose Kingdom 🏰

Will tell there
U already saw it
Im lost 😂
This gc is so ded
But I’m happy anyway
I can talk to myself and make this gc full of moose chat
That will be my plan for now
I will destroy your plans
I am here now
Damnit bestie you ruined it
Just got home🤭😂
From what? 😂
>>> Damnit bestie you ruined it Thanks 🤭
>>> From what? 😂 Bars🤭😂
Oh my lmao nice
Hope you had a great time
>>> Oh my lmao nice I knowwwww🤭😂
>>> Hope you had a great time Was fantastic, thanks 🤭🤭
Oh nice nice
I hope you’re not to drunk tho
>>> I hope you’re not to drunk tho Ofc nah
Nice 🙌
Okay good haha
>>> Nice 🙌 It was called medusa shots😂😂
Oh lol interesting
After that I had 4 cocktails too😂in different bars😂😂😂😂
>>> Oh lol interesting Yes👁🫦👁🤭
Oh my Hahaa
Take it easy now when you got home bestie 😅
I am greatt
Not drunk
Just tipsy
Hahaha okay good good