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RRate Outfit 🩳👙✨

Hello, how are you everyone ?
Both outfits about 7
How I’m doing? Nice fit for a big boy
Macie posts the same pic over and over, never responds to people in groups either, how's this account not banned for spam? 😂
I’ve talked to her before 🤷🏻‍♀️
Men love going to that excuse when their dms don’t get answered
I love Macie's pic😅
>>> Men love going to that excuse when their d... Except I mentioned groups 🤔
I've never seen Macie speak to anyone in any group and all she does is post the same pic
Questioning why it's not seen as spam isn't wrong
love ya 2 mister dad xoxo
Anyone wanna chat?
>>>📷 10 easily