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SSingapore newbie not welcome

Good morning room
Hi Yishun, how have u been?
been in new company
kinda sleepy
quite bad
Eyy hang on Yishun!
>>> kinda sleepy Not busy?
not yet
soon lorh
Oooo wow
>>> soon lorh 💪🏻💪🏻
🚨 Secure Your Account Now!🚨 🍏 iOS users, important update! Apple might not let AntiLand back into the App Store the way we know it. 😔 If you signed up using Apple ID, please choose a username and password now to keep your account safe and stay connected via our web app: https:www.antiland.comenchatsignin?method=apple&return=%2Fupdate-security Don't miss out! Act now to ensure uninterrupted access to your chats and friends❤️
Hey Simi Hey?😅
Hi to the 3 other people who are online. 😆
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone
Good morning
Happy Sunday. Finally day off😀
Happy Sunday everyone 😁
Morning Ori.
Morning Crab 🦀
Finally getting back to cycling...
Happy cycling!!
Nice weather
Now stuck in Marine Parade with leg cramps. 😅😆
Hi Yishun.
slacking on work now
As long as got aircon, all is good.
Take TEL mrt home.
>>> Now stuck in Marine Parade with leg cramps... Lols...happy leg cramping 😂😄
Yesterday was really bad... Took muscle relaxant & applied muscle pain relief cream and patches.
Yesterday you could have pushed me and I would have fell over.