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🏫Workplace Rantings! 🤬

Just annoying workmates haha
Tell me about it
I told one of them that I’ll throw my phone at him earlier today
Tell us about it.
Good work stories
Going home
who did you tell that to? 😆
To the idiot who wanted to press all the floor buttons
Are they children?
He’s just being an ass
what a dck! like who does that
Such a child
Yep and this morning I told him I’ll throw my wallet at him 🤣
as you should!
keep your monies! 😆
🏳️‍🌈࿔ηуαнвв🧸ྀི ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁, this is your Anti Card for the next 27 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Shame in your story.
So sad.
It’s fri it’s Friday!
I saw my work crush today. He went to the office briefly, he’s working from home today, I thought he was gonna stay until lunch but he left after 5 minutes. 😭
busterd he should have stayed. my ex work crush is 💥 with the toxic chick that doesn’t do much work lol dodged a bullet there 😅
What does that emoji mean? Boomed?
💥 = having sexxy time together everyone at work is pissed she spends more time talking to him and her immature friends instead of working
I can’t wait to watch it go up in flames 🫖
Omg that's wild.
Does the HR hear about that?
Ohhh no.
someone may have clued the HR guy in on the situation 💀
Boring life
boring > toxic drama
Oh no
no bueno 🥺
The 1 time… I don’t email my boss his boarding pass… the scream shot version doesn’t work.. ugh
Oh no. The wheel.
My shayla